TSA- CATHERINE BOOTH COLLEGE OF NURSING: The Salvation Army Catherine Booth College of Nursing was started in a humble manner with the motto of “Learn to serve” by establishing its academic services in an old ward of the TSA-Catherine Booth Hospital during the year 2012. Since its humble beginnings the TSA-Catherine Booth College of Nursing has developed and expanded significantly over the four years. The institution is striving towards imparting a life-transforming blend of rigorous academic study, deep Christian faith and exciting co-curricular opportunities.
The College is situated at the Salvation Army Catherine Booth Hospital Campus and it is approved by the Government of Tamil Nadu as per Go MS No.1264, Affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr M.G.R Medical University and recognized by the Indian Nursing Council & Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Chennai with the intake of 50 students per year.
There were 200 students admitted in the College of Nursing for the past 4 years. The College follows the curriculum and the Syllabus for the course set by the Indian Nursing Council. It has departments like Medical Surgical, Child health, Community Health, Obstetrical and Gynecological, Mental health, Nursing foundation and Nursing research Nursing.
The teaching learning methods are lecture method, didactic lectures, discussions, and interactive methods such as bedside clinics, nursing rounds and practical demonstration, and Power Point Presentations. DVD, dummies and manikins are additionally used for teaching basic nursing skills.